Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Slow down, You move too fast...

It has been a while, as our lives are very busy with school, etc. I finally got around to uploading recent pictures. It is hard to choose, but this one has got to be the best. Finn (the object of Esther's affection) turned two this week. I was trying to get a cute picture of them for his birthday present and this was the outcome. Finn sweetly leaned in for a kiss, and well, you see what Esther had in mind. Slow Down! I never want to see the likes of this action and my precious, little girl. I was laughing so hard, I missed the actually contact peck. They are the sweetest of friends and we feel blessed to have Finn and his parents in our lives. Here's to our smoocher. Mwaa!
And here is a much more innocent, care-free pic of E enjoying the park.
Love, The Fleming Fam

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