Thursday, February 26, 2009


Though the weather has been on-again-off-again warm/cold, we've been spending a lot more time outside. They have started their spring garden at school, which has led to Esther's main subject of play lately - gardening. She will tell me the process of digging the hole, planting the seed, covering it up, watering, and then it grows (and then you eat it - YUM). Marci, E's teacher, says they haven't gone into that much detail, so I guess Esther just picked up from the few times we've discussed it. I hope that our next place has room and ability to put some plants in the ground. Container gardens are nice, but we look forward to a real garden. Here's a few pics of her enjoying the sun and the dirt!
Here, she's working on building a 'bridge'. She then lets the rocks 'walk' on it.
"Oh, Zouga!" Our tailless tortoise-shell cat wanted to join in the photo shoot this day. She slipped into most every picture.

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